Data & AI & IoT
The growing recognition of the importance of data: a key shift in modern organizations
General Information

Organizations increasingly value data and its implications
Organizations are becoming more aware of the importance of the data they handle, as well as the consequences, both positive and negative, that result from its proper management.
The growing awareness of the importance of data and its management drives us to formulate a proposal structured around four essential pillars:
Palatine. A modular system designed to simplify the implementation and management of IoT solutions.

Case studies
Our Success Stories
Discover the world of knowledge.
Technology is advancing at a dizzying pace. At Satec, we adapt to the speed of these changes, integrating innovations into our value proposition to put them at the service of our clients.

Galician Internet of Things Plan - iCousas.

Visualization and consultation of oceanographic and meteorological data.

Smart digital tool for farmers and wineries.

Monitor IA
Next-generation network observation platform.

Virtual Data Room
Implementation of a Virtual Data Room (VDR) solution for the National Agency of Oil, Gas and Biofuels (ANPG).