Products & ServicesBSS/OSS


Automation enables scaling operations, responding quickly to incidents, and optimizing the customer experience

General Information


With an innovative approach and based on the latest industry standards, we optimize operational and commercial processes so your company can respond agilely to industry challenges.

Thanks to a deep end-to-end business understanding, we add differential value when designing, transforming, and operating our clients' OSS and BSS systems. Whether with our own product, through partnerships with complementary partners, or custom solutions, we solve complex issues in the back-office systems of telecommunications operators, utilities, and public administrations.


Service Assurance:

Intelligence management
Fault and anomaly management
Resource performance management
Service performance management
Experience insight management
API management
Configuration management

Our extensive knowledge in communication networks and networking has configured a unique understanding in this OSS area. With an AIOps approach, we have proprietary solutions in Tier 1 and Tier 2 operators and utilities, combined with partnerships with specialist vendors and a track record of over 50 assurance projects.

Service Fulfillment:

Unified inventory
Products, services and resources orchestration
Product configurator
Unified catalog
Order fallout management
Location management
Network activation
Resource order management

We manage end-to-end orders through customizable modules, from the product, service, and resource catalog to the network element with our Alvatross platform.


Case management
Document management
Self-service portal
Point of sale
Sales planning and strategy
Collection management

SATEC has extensive experience developing custom solutions and integrating leading market solutions. Additionally, through our BPO services, we are end-users of commercial systems for many end customers, so we know many of their strengths and weaknesses in detail.


Alvatross, an innovative OSS product company within the group.

Alvatross draws on over 20 years of experience solving complex provisioning and activation issues for global clients with a modern technology platform and an ODA-TM Forum approach.

TM Forum

TM Forum Standards

We are committed to an open digital architecture based on Open APIs with discrete, independent modules. We are defining the latest industry standards (ODA-TM Forum) and are an influential player within the ecosystem.

Learn about our footprint in TM Forum through alvatross.

Case studies

Discover the world of knowledge.

Technology is advancing at a dizzying pace. At Satec, we adapt to the speed of these changes, integrating innovations into our value proposition to put them at the service of our clients.