Press Releases
SATEC and its Patronage: Supporting El León de Oro Choir to Inspire Excellence

9 OCT, 2024 • 3 min
Perhaps the question is why SATEC, a technology company, is interested in supporting El León de Oro, a choir, on its journey. Many might think it’s a whim of the president, a music enthusiast who holds the El León de Oro choir in high regard. And it’s true….
But, as in life, having the truth and having reasons are two very different things. In this case, undeniably, this is one of those reasons, but far from being *the* reason… as Don Quixote said, the reason for unreason…
There is a first, and powerful, component of reason that justifies SATEC’s closeness to El León de Oro, and it is the shared will to pursue excellence.
Starting point: purpose. Since its creation, El León de Oro has sought to make exceptional music. This was a dream that has been built upon discipline, understanding discipline as the will to be aware of consequences and consistent in advancing, day by day, on the path of commitment.
This path leads to what Saint Francis of Assisi said: start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and you will find that you have achieved the impossible.
Today, El León de Oro has achieved the impossible: creating an organization of global reach in its small community of Luanco, driven by the will of its founders and fueled by the participation and impact of its community ecosystem. An extraordinary example where many other initiatives will find inspiration and reference.
Nothing is different in the business world, where despite the materialistic monographic vision (under the now old dogma of the Chicago School, today multiplied by the avalanche of investment funds), many companies, like El León de Oro, begin with the purpose of excellence. Making money, like success, is not a cause but an effect.
This is much more common in *ETIs* (medium-sized companies, often family businesses) than in large corporations.
A second, and no less important, component of reason is the value of culture as a foundational element of imagination.
Creativity, fortunately so valued today, starts by imagining what is possible and is fueled by the knowledge that distills the wisdom contained in new initiatives: often disruptive, transversal, and transformative. Culture, that personal wealth of the human mind, extraordinarily enriches creative capacities and self-confidence. At SATEC, we are guided by the principle of “working for the world we imagine”.
Today we see how professions are changing and how new skills and disciplines previously unimaginable are entering the business world. The true competitive factor for the companies of the future is their ability to attract talent, and that talent values culture as much as it treasures it, complementing other, more pragmatic knowledge.
The contact and relationship with El León de Oro is a very important factor in the collective formation of organizations like ours, leaving a subtle but essential mark on the development of our talent.
And, finally, the third element of reason is Impact—the case of El León de Oro is not only cultural but also social.
The passion, the growing recognition of its musical work, the transformation of life in its community, and the pride that so many Asturians feel in having El León de Oro in our region. These achievements are based on values that carry enormous importance in developing self-confidence and impacting so many people who will see in El León de Oro a reference to elevate the threshold of their dreams.
It goes without saying how important this is for a company that strives for excellence, and SATEC considers El León de Oro a reference with which to align.
If you want to learn more about our services, don’t hesitate to contact us here 👈
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