Case Study

Ferrovial - Strategic Communications Plan





Advance Networking


Industry and Energy


Ferrovial is one of the world's leading infrastructure operators. The company is present in more than 15 countries and has over 25,000 employees worldwide, with nearly 6,500 in Spain. Ferrovial is simultaneously listed on Euronext Amsterdam, Nasdaq, and the Spanish stock market, where it is a member of the IBEX 35. Additionally, it is included in globally recognized sustainability indices such as the Dow Jones Best in Class Index (formerly Dow Jones Sustainability Index) and applies the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, which the company signed in 2002, across all its operations.

Ferrovial needed to renew its multi-year communication service contracts while also defining the strategy for the evolution of its communication and security network in the coming years, with new investments in its communication infrastructures and associated services.



The challenges include:


Drafting RFPs to tender for new contracts that need to be renewed.

Multiple Technologies

Building a homogeneous communication solution using multiple technologies such as Security, SDWAN, access, unified communications, IoT, etc., to provide different services to business units.

Communication Services

Providing communication services to different group companies or Business Units (Construction, airports, highways, energy, etc.) in various countries, requiring adaptation to the business needs of each activity and changes in scope throughout the contract duration.


SATEC provides consulting services in several phases with the following objectives:

Assessment of the current situation in terms of network architectures and NOC services (Network Operation, management tools, and processes related to communication service delivery).


The results achieved meet the initial challenges, providing Ferrovial with:



Budget adjustment of the network to the demands of the Business Units.


RFP Process

Selection of the best-evaluated vendors in the RFP process.


Tendered Services

Supervision of the correct implementation and delivery of the tendered services.